Looking after the Cathedral volunteer roles

Find out about numerous volunteering opportunities to contribute to the upkeep of the Cathedral and its grounds.

Support eco activities and events and play a crucial role as ambassadors and active contributors to the Cathedral’s environmental priorities as an Eco volunteer, join the Holy Dusters to help keep the Cathedral clean and tidy, or engage with the Cathedral's rich history and literature to preserve for future generations as a Library volunteer. Your involvement in these roles will play a vital part in the ongoing care of this sacred space.

Explore our upkeeping roles

Library volunteer

Library volunteers assist the Sub-Librarian with various projects associated with the care and day to day running of the Library, including showcasing our various treasures during Library Open Days. The Cathedral Library acquires and preserves historic books and works of interest; these books and treasures aren't just artefacts, they're tools for exploration, study and research for all to discover.

library role description

Eco volunteer

As a Gold level Eco Church Chichester Cathedral is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and supporting nature and biodiversity.  Supporting activities and events such as clothes swaps, spring bulb planting and nature surveys, Eco Volunteers play a crucial role as ambassadors and active contributors to the Cathedral’s environmental priorities. 

Eco Volunteer role description

Holy Dusters

As a Holy Duster you play a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness and overall tidiness of Chichester Cathedral. Your responsibilities include dusting, ensuring general cleanliness, and contributing to the upkeep of the Cathedral. By dedicating your time to these tasks, you directly impact the Cathedral's welcome to visitors. Your efforts go beyond cleaning; they contribute to the preservation of a sacred space.

holy dusters role description

Two cathedral librarians covering an old book to help preserve it
A holy duster cleans intricate areas of the Cathedral
A librarian reads the inside cover of a book to help identify its place on the shelf
Two holy dusters scrub the Cathedral radiators clean
Cathedral librarians surround a table full of old books
Get in touch
Carolyn Atkinson
(01243) 812983