The Audit & Risk Committee (A&RC) is a sub-committee of Chapter with responsibility for the oversight of risk management processes for the Cathedral, liaising with and receiving reports from external auditors and advising Chapter on matters relating to the effective management of risk within the Cathedral. The committee’s overall role and composition are described within the Cathedral Statutes and can be seen at: Constitution and Statutes of the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity in Chichester | Chichester Cathedral
We are seeking a new Chair because our current Chair has been appointed to Chapter and the Cathedrals Measure states that the A&RC Chair must not be a member of Chapter.
So if you have recent and relevant finance experience, would feel comfortable ensuring that the A&RC operates within the requirements of the Cathedral Constitution and Statues and, in particular, within the requirements and constraints of the Cathedrals Measure 2021 (Cathedrals Measure 2021 ( and are seeking a new challenge please consider applying. Administrative support, including production of draft minutes, is provided by the Chapter Clerk.
For further details, please see the role descriptor below.
To apply please complete a copy of the volunteer application form below and return it to: 9.00am on Tuesday 1 April 2025
If you have any further questions about the role, please contact our head of HR, Val Timlin, at: