Available dates:
We invite you to lift your voices in our magnificent space as we celebrate 950 years of history, music and worship at Chichester Cathedral.
We are keen to welcome visiting choirs to sing our Choral Evensong services during the following weeks:
- Easter holidays– Monday 7-Friday 11 and Monday 21-Friday 25 April.
- Half term – Monday 26-Wednesday 28 May, Friday 30 May
- Summer holidays – Monday 14-Thursday 17 July; Monday 28 July-Friday 1 August; Monday 25-Friday 29 August
A number of Wednesdays are also available throughout the year. If you might be able to help, our Liturgy & Music Department would love to hear from you! Contact chris.george@chichestercathedral.org.uk
We are keen to hear from groups interested in singing on Wednesdays (the Cathedral Choir’s day off) and during school holidays. We can comfortably accommodate ensembles of up to 35 singers in our choir stalls.
This Guide for Visiting Choirs and Organists gives details of our services and rehearsal arrangements, along with key information around Safeguarding Contacts at the Cathedral and Safety Notices especially regarding the Emergency Exit to the Song School. Please familiarise yourself with its contents before your arrival. Thank you.
To discuss the possibility of your choir coming to sing at the Cathedral and available dates, please contact the Liturgy & Music Coordinator: chris.george@chichestercathedral.org.uk or 01243 812488.