Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.
Click here to contact us about a safeguarding concern
These are the people at the Cathedral who work closely with the Cathedral Safeguarding Officer and are specially trained and available to talk to anyone who has a safeguarding concern about a child, young person or any adult who may be at risk. If you have a safeguarding concern, or have any questions about safeguarding at Chichester Cathedral, please contact our team below.

Colin Perkins
Cathedral Safeguarding Adviser and Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
07500 771210

Reverend Jack Dunn
Canon Chancellor and Cathedral Safeguarding Lead
07960 512433

Rebecca Lewry-Gray
Visitor Experience Manager
01243 812482

Sarah Quail
Independent Member of SMC (Congregational Representative)
01243 776757

James Allport
Independent Member SMC (Children and Young People and Families)
07968 274683

Austen Hindman
Independent Member and Chair of SMC and Chapter Lead for Safeguarding