Sue Dixon: A passionate historian sharing Chichester’s rich heritage

18th Jul 2024
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Next in our “Tales from the Tour Guide” series, we are delighted to introduce Sue Dixon, a dedicated guide whose passion for history and education shines through in every tour she leads. 

A lifelong educator with a love for history

Sue Dixon’s journey to becoming a guide at Chichester Cathedral stems from her deep-seated love for history and education. With a degree in history and a career as a school teacher, Sue has always relished the opportunity to create engaging, cross-curricular lessons that connect students with the past. Indeed, her experience teaching primarily year 5, 6, and 7 students has equipped her with a unique talent for bringing historical narratives to life. 

Guiding with enthusiasm and expertise

Sue has been sharing her extensive knowledge and enthusiasm for historic sites for over 20 years, not only here at the Cathedral since 2019 but prior to this she was a guide at Dorchester Abbey and Oxford’s Christ Church Cathedral. 

The joy of sharing heritage

Sue's tours are a testament to her dedication to making history accessible and engaging. She is particularly fascinated by church buildings and loves to convey the stories behind their artefacts and architecture. Sue is passionate about demonstrating how people throughout the ages have expressed their beliefs, leaving us with a rich tapestry of historical treasures.

Uncovering hidden stories

One of Sue’s greatest joys in guiding is continually learning from both the Cathedral team and its visitors. She fondly recalls an encounter with a palaeontologist from the Natural History Museum, who shared intriguing details about the fossils embedded in the Cathedral’s floor stones whilst also highlighting how the Cathedral's 950 year old history is intertwined with even more ancient geological narratives.

A special connection to the Cathedral

Sue has a particular affinity for the Cathedral’s font, which she lovingly cleans and refers to as "my font." Designed by John Skelton, the font is a marvel of artistry and craftsmanship. Carved from 180 cubic feet of exquisite green stone from Polyphant Quarry in Cornwall, Sue shares that the creation of the font required 1,000 man-hours from a dedicated team of five craftsmen including Skelton and his wife. 

The selection of the stone's colour and the exquisite copper bowl lining the font were specifically chosen to complement the adjacent painting on the west wall, "The Baptism of Christ" by Hans Feibusch. She appreciates the intricate details and historical significance of the font, from its creation to its role in the Cathedral today. The words around the font, “One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism,” from Ephesians 4:5, were a favourite of Bishop George Bell, in whose honour the font was commissioned to mark the centenary of his birth.

Engaging narratives and unique insights

Sue's tours are rich with anecdotes and lesser-known stories that captivate her audience. Humour is never far away during Sue's tours, reflected in her keen interest in the 18th-century monuments and their effusive inscriptions. Her ability to weave these stories into her tours ensures each visit to the Cathedral is a unique and enriching experience.

Creating a welcoming atmosphere

For Sue, guiding at the Cathedral is more than just sharing facts; it's about creating a welcoming space where visitors can connect with the past. She strives to make everyone feel they belong by showcasing the beauty and significance of the Cathedral’s heritage.

18th Jul 2024
News category