Families Enjoy ‘Beside the Seaside’ Activities at the Cathedral

27th Aug 2019
News category
Contemporary Issues

The Cathedral was delighted to host an exciting day of activities for local families on Tuesday 20 August.

In partnership with Family Support Work and Home-Start Chichester & District, around 130 children and their families who are supported by these organisations took part in a day packed with crafts and games.

With a theme of ‘Beside the Seaside’, activities inside the Cathedral included a self-guided trail, brass rubbing, creative crafts such as making kites, boats, seagulls and postcards, while outside in the Cathedral grounds there were games and storytelling sessions.

Print maker CathBristow worked with the families to make a new side panel for the Cathedral’s Creative Play Pod, where the storytelling sessions took place. Cath has been a regular at recent family days and other group activities, creating panels that link to different inspiring themes and is working to gradually adorn the pod with fully completed panels. 

Food waste charity UK Harvest provided lunch for everyone: the Cathedral is delighted to be working in partnership with them on this and several other community projects. These include food education sessions with Young Adult Carers group, My Futures, where young people are provided with opportunities to learn skills and knowledge to feed and cook for themselves cheaply, whilst ensuring they are empowered to make healthier eating choices.

Alongside staff, around 20 Cathedral volunteers helped to support families throughout the day. The Dean of Chichester, the Very Reverend Stephen Waine, is delighted that it was such a success. “Involving and supporting children, young people and their families is central to the Cathedral’s learning and engagement activities across the diocese. It was clear how much everyone enjoyed themselves here today, and we are very pleased to be working on an ongoing basis to deliver both fun activities and practical support in the future. We are grateful for the financial support of Chichester District Council to enable this to continue.”

The event was also attended by The Diocesan Bishop’s Champions for Family Support Work Caroline Lucas and Caroline Nicholls DL, former High Sheriff of West Sussex.

Established in 1890, Chichester Diocesan Association for Family Support Work helps families in Sussex to overcome difficulties and prevent crisis. They support families struggling with issues such as poverty, ill health, learning difficulties, bereavement, family break-up and domestic abuse.

Home-Start is a local community network with over 200 local groups across the UK, providing trained volunteers and expert support to help families with young children through their challenging times.

27th Aug 2019
News category
Contemporary Issues