Easter Sunday │Message from The Dean of Chichester

12th Apr 2020
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Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest

We celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ this year in ways which are very different from anything we have experienced before. The prayer of the cathedral has continued in our own homes as we have all kept Holy Week and today, together, we worship Christ risen from the dead. 

Mark Frank, 17th century scholar and preacher, argues that  we look for the risen Christ in places where he is not to be found: "Sometimes we seek him in outward elements, in mere ceremonies and formalities, and mind no further; think that if we hear a sermon or come to prayers, make a formal show of piety and religion, all will be well. But if we bring not somewhat also within, he is not here…."

George Herbert (who may have known Mark Frank) suggests how we might celebrate "this most high day":

Rise heart; thy Lord is risen. Sing his praise

Without delays,

Who takes thee by the hand, that thou likewise

With him mayst rise:

That, as his death calcined thee to dust,

His life may make thee gold, and much more, just.


This Eastertide let us invite Jesus into our hearts and homes and there worship our guest:

Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest;

Nay, let us be thy guests; the feast is thine.


Header image: Easter Sunday Morning, The Dean of Chichester The Very Reverend Stephen Waine

12th Apr 2020
News category