The Dean of Chichester shares messages ahead of Christmas Day | 2024

20th Dec 2024
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Chichester Cathedral wishes you a blessed Christmas.

The Dean of Chichester, the Very Reverend Dr Edward Dowler, has shared a special message from the Cathedral ahead of Christmas Day. This will be the Dean’s first Christmas at the Cathedral, having been installed in September earlier this year.

His short message recalls the brief pause for peace between British and German soldiers stationed in northern France in 1914, and the power of music. Music is central to the Cathedral’s schedule of special services and events over Advent and Christmas, including on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, some of which are available online.

"As for many people, one of my favourite Christmas carols to sing each year is Silent Night. It has such an exquisite combination of words and music that I never seem to tire of it, even after the many carol services that we have at this and other cathedrals.

Whenever I sing it, I am reminded of the way in which in 1914 it caused peace to break out between British and German soldiers stationed in northern France.

Both sides had suffered devastating losses in the opening months of the war but then on Christmas Eve, a British soldier heard a German sing Stille nacht, heilige nacht – Silent Night, Holy Night – to the tune that he recognised, and joined in with it.

Soon, both sides were singing carols to one another in their own languages, and got to talking and exchanging gifts.

In the Christmas story, as God comes to be with us in Jesus his son.  Heaven and earth are brought together into a single compass: ‘glories stream from heaven afar, heavenly hosts sing Alleluia’.

And, as that division is breached, so we also find – as those German and British soldiers did – renewed hope for the healing of the divisions between human beings, of which we are so painfully aware this year. May we experience this Christmas the dawn of redeeming grace of which this carol so powerfully speaks.

Have a very blessed and happy Christmas"

Dean of Chichester, The Very Reverend Dr Edward Dowler

20th Dec 2024
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