Day of Giving | The Joy of Giving and Receiving 

28th Nov 2023
News category

Founded in 2012, Giving Tuesday is a day that encourages people to do good by volunteering time, donating money, sharing skills, or campaigning for a greater good. 

On this Giving Tuesday, 28th November 2023, Director of Fundraising Alison George talks us through The Joy of Giving and Receiving. 

Our Cathedral is a place that offers a variety of functions: worship, music, art, architecture, history, learning, community. 

It is a place that is meaningful in a variety of ways: We might experience friendship, feel connected, nourished, enriched, find a moments peace. 

These are all illustrations of some of the gifts the Cathedral gives us. 

But all these wonderful gifts cost money. Cathedral’s do not receive statutory funding. It is a myth that we receive any of the Parish Share. And, whilst we earn some income from commercial property on South Street, the Cathedral is not a property tycoon that can afford to live off the fat of the land. 

The simple truth is that we rely heavily on donations. As a fundraiser here at Chichester Cathedral, I have the pleasure of telling funders about the amazing gifts that our Cathedral offers. Sometimes projects run into the millions, the number or noughts can feel overwhelming. It is easy to feel that what we have to give won’t make a substantial difference, but collectively we can all help. 

If you worship here at Chichester, instead of rooting around for cash during services please join the Parish Giving Scheme. 

If you prefer to support other aspects of Cathedral life, you can make a donation – either a single gift or you can spread your gift over the course of a year. And don’t forget that you can pledge to leave a gift in your will, every bequest to charity is exempt from inheritance tax. 

As Christians we are taught that ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive’ (Acts 20:35). 

There is a line from a hymn I used to sing at school – Make me a Channel of your Peace, which goes ‘it is in giving to all men that we receive’. 

This line reminds me of the joy in watching friends or family opening gifts at Christmas or on birthdays. 

So, I invite you all to feel the joy in giving.  

28th Nov 2023
News category