After three years as a Residentiary Canon of Chichester Cathedral, it has been announced that the Reverend Dr Jack Dunn, is to become Chaplain of Brighton College.
The Dean of Chichester, the Very Reverend Dr Edward Dowler, said: "Jack has been a distinguished canon of Chichester Cathedral during a time of considerable transition. We owe him a great debt for the exercise of his pastoral and administrative gifts in many areas. Among his many achievements at the cathedral, he has started a weekly Eucharist for children, families and caregivers which is now an integral part of our schedule as well as re-establishing our ministry to schools and establishing a weekly lay led prayer group and growing a team of Authorised Lay Ministers.
He has also done much valuable work on the governance of the cathedral in his painstaking work on our new Constitution and Statues, in developing and delivering our Vision and in helping to fulfilling the duties of Communar during a year's vacancy . Most recently, he has guided the cathedral through the INEQE safeguarding audit with great diligence and thoroughness.
We are very sorry to see him go, but glad that the pupils, parents and staff of Brighton College will have a chaplain of such ability, and also glad that he will be remaining nearby."
Canon Jack will depart the cathedral in May, with details of his final service being shared in due course.
Canon Jack said: 'It has been both a great privilege and a great joy to serve at Chichester Cathedral as Canon Precentor and as Canon Chancellor. I have learnt a huge amount from our loyal, dedicated and highly talented staff and volunteer teams, from my amazing Cathedral and Diocesan clergy colleagues and from our deeply faithful congregations. I would like to thank Bishop Martin for placing his confidence in me and all of my colleagues and friends for their kindness and great generosity.
Jesus Christ calls us to 'Go and make disciples of all nations.' My prayer is that in the coming years Chichester Cathedral will live out that calling with imagination and faithfulness each and every day. Under Dean Edward's wise and deeply pastoral leadership and with the excellent assistance of a fantastic Chapter, I know that the Cathedral team will be well placed to discern the guidance of the Holy Spirit in this essential calling. Please continue to pray for me as I will continue to pray for you. Thank you.'