Treasury and Cathedral Shop

Located in the Treasury alongside a fine collection of items on loan from churches throughout Sussex, as well as other pieces used in the life of the Cathedral is the Cathedral Shop. Whether you’re looking for a special memento of your visit to Chichester Cathedral or that perfect gift for a loved one – we will have something to catch your interest.

Chapel of St John the Baptist

The Chapel of St John the Baptist is home to a Reredos (the painting above the altar) by Patrick Procktor, an English artist of the late 20th Century. It was added to the chapel in 1984 and depicts St John baptising Jesus. In the painting, St John’s extended right arm offers an invitation to all to participate. Find out more here.

The Lady Chapel

The Lady Chapel is one of the most tranquil areas within the Cathedral. It is set aside for prayer, and so is often sought out by visitors and worshippers who want to spend a little time in quietness and reflection.  

The bronze sculpture 'Virgin and Child' is by the Sussex sculptor John Skelton (1923 - 1999), who also designed the Cathedral’s font in the Baptistry. Find out more here.

Shrine of St Richard

The Shrine of St Richard, our own Saint and a Bishop here in the 13th century, was one of the most important for pilgrims to visit during the medieval period. Today, thousands of people still come each year to pray at the Shrine.

The large tapestry is by the German artist Ursula Benker-Schirmer and co-created with students from West Dean College, near Chichester. This vibrant tapestry contains symbols, biblical in origin, relating to the life of St Richard.

Chapel of St Clement

Restored in 1898, the Chapel of St Clement is dedicated to the 3rd Bishop of Rome, who died at the end of the first century. The chapel was built around 1300 and is still used daily for morning prayers and other periodic services. The altarpiece The Icon of Divine Light (1973) is by Cecil Collins; it presents God as a burst of sunlight, surrounded by smaller stars resting in its warm glow.


Situated in the south-west tower, the Baptistry is home to a wonderful copper font used for baptisms. Commissioned by the Dean and Chapter and dedicated in 1983, the font is the work of British sculptor John Skelton. The painting, The Baptism of Christ, is by Hans Feibusch and was painted in 1951. Find out more here.