Bidding farewell and giving thanks to our Interim Dean, the Reverend Canon Simon Holland

12th Jul 2024
News category

This Sunday (14th July) we bid farewell to our Interim Dean, Canon Simon, who has been appointed as the Rector of Harting with Elsted and Treyford cum Didling.

Canon Simon has been serving the Cathedral community as Interim Dean since his installation in April 2023, and through his leadership and ministry, has enabled a sense of continuity and flourishing ahead of the arrival of the incoming Dean of Chichester, The Venerable Dr Edward Dowler, this September.

Speaking of his time here, Canon Simon said:

“It has been a great privilege to have served the Cathedral as Interim Dean and I've thoroughly enjoyed it.  I'm very grateful for the support I've had from the Cathedral staff and for the wisdom and kindness of my fellow Canons.

I sense that the Cathedral is in good heart as it looks forward to its 950th anniversary and prepares for the arrival of its new Dean, Dr Edward Dowler.  I wish him and Anna every blessing as they prepare to move into the Deanery.

Fiona and I would like to record our thanks to the Cathedral congregation for making us feel so welcome. We will miss you all, but South Harting is a beautiful place and we are fortunate to be moving there.  Please call in if you are passing and say hello to Bertie.”

The Cathedral Chapter would like to thank Canon Simon, his wife Fiona and their family for their contribution to Cathedral life, and invite you to join us in praying for them as they embark on this new journey in Harting with Elsted and Treyford cum Didling.

12th Jul 2024
News category