Harry Goring

Harry is a member of Buncton Chapel in Wiston, now part of Chanctonbury Churches. Professionally, Harry has dedicated his career to agriculture and rural estate management, notably overseeing the extensive Wiston Estate, which encompasses 6,000 acres, 106 properties, Wiston House leased to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, farms, lakes, quarries, and emerging businesses. While Harry retired from direct management in 2012, he continues to consult and guide its development, particularly in areas like the winery, restaurant, tourism and public access initiatives. 

Harry has held significant roles such as Chairman of the Sussex Branch of the Country Landowner’s Association and Chair of the South East Region of the National Trust, with a term as High Sheriff from 1993 to 1994 and Vice Lord Lieutenant from 2014 to 2021, currently serving as a Deputy Lieutenant.