Special Service | Farewell to the Dean of Chichester

The Cathedral community are invited to bid farewell to our Dean Stephen, his wife Lizzie and their family at the 11.15am Sung Eucharist on Sunday 22nd January

The Dean of Chichester, The Very Reverend Stephen Waine, is to become the vicar of the benefice of Piddle Valley, Hilton and Ansty, Cheselbourne and Melcombe Horsey, in the Diocese of Salisbury.

Serving in Sussex for eight years, Stephen was appointed as the Dean of Chichester in 2015. This service will be an opportunity to pay thanks to Stephen, his wife Lizzie and their family. Find out more >>

Those who wish to contribute towards a leaving present can either click here, or make a contribution via direct bank transfer to:

  • Dean & Chapter of Chichester Cathedral
  • Account No: 20702426
  • Sort code: 60 05 24

Cash, or a cheque payable to Dean & Chapter of Chichester Cathedral, can also be dropped into the Vergers' Office (with the reference ‘Stephen’).

Welcoming our Acting Dean

On Tuesday 10th January (5.30pm) the Right Reverend Graeme Knowles will be installed as Acting Dean of Chichester at a service of Choral Evensong, with the Bishop of Chichester, the Right Reverend Dr Martin Warner.

On the 31st January 2023 (Bonhoeffer Room, 4 Canon Lane) you are invited to join us for informal drinks, and an opportunity meet Bishop Graeme. Why not join us for the service of Choral Evensong, at 5.30pm, directly before the drinks at 6.30pm. Please register you interest in attending by contacting:

We welcome you to join us in praying for Bishop Graeme as he exercises ministry to our Cathedral community until Easter 2023.