Palm Sunday

All are welcome to join our special services during Holy Week & Easter

  • 8.00am - Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer (said)
  • 9.15am - Service for Children, Families and Caregivers
  • 10.15am - Choral Mattins
  • 11.15am – Sung Eucharist with Procession of Palms (also livestreamed)
    Our service begins outside on the south-east corner of the Cathedral Green. Palms are blessed, and we process along West Street into the Cathedral, recalling Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and the beginning of his journey to death and resurrection. When the congregation reaches the Cathedral the service continues with a dramatic reading of the Passion.
  • 3.00pm - Choral Evensong (also livestreamed)



Who can attend a service at the Cathedral?

Everyone is welcome to attend services at Chichester Cathedral. For many, this may be their first time visiting the Cathedral. We look forward to meeting you very soon!

Do I need a ticket for this service?

No booking required - general seating available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Access and facilities
  • Toilet facilities are available in the Cathedral (including an accessible toilet with changing facilities). 
  • Ramps throughout the Cathedral allow step-free access.
  • A hearing loop system is available.
  • There are a limited number of Disabled parking spaces situated on the approach to the Cathedral via West Street. These spaces can be used free of charge provided the vehicle is displaying a disabled person's badge and the registered disabled person is driving or is a passenger.
  • Guide, Therapy and Assistance Dogs are welcome in the Cathedral for services.