Louise Salmond Smith, recorder & David Butler, organ and piano

Chichester Cathedral's popular lunchtime concerts take place on Tuesdays at 1.10pm during term time, in the spectacular setting of the Cathedral Nave. They are free and last approximately 50 minutes. There is a retiring collection.


  • Jacob van Eyck (1590 - 1657) English nightingale                                          
  • Nicolas Chédeville (1705 - 1782) The faithful shepherd 
  • Ernst Krahmer (1795 - 1837) Concert Polonaise 
  • G F Handel (1685 - 1759) Sonata in B flat 
  • J S Bach (1685 - 1750)  Preludio (from Violin Partita No. 3)
  • Zequinha de Abreau (1880 - 1935) Tico Tico no Fuba

Louise Salmond Smith took up the recorder whilst a scholar at Clayesmore School, Dorset. During her time as a student at the University of East Anglia, she was the holder of the Britten-Pears scholarship. Further study at the University of Hull cultivated her specialisms of Performance and Educational Composition.

She has performed at numerous festivals throughout the UK including the Cardiff Festival, the Wirksworth Festival and the Aldeburgh Festival. She has also performed Malcolm Arnold’s Recorder Concerto in the presence of the composer.

Louise remains committed to education. An exponent of Community Music, Louise has also set up and run educational music projects in the UK, Chile and Canada. Louise is currently Head of The Prebendal School, Chichester Cathedral’s choir school.

David Butler lives in South Wales. He was educated at Christ College, Brecon, before winning an Organ Scholarship to Peterhouse in Cambridge in 1995, where he studied the organ under Peter Hurford and Anne Page.

Since leaving Cambridge David has pursued a varied musical life. He is currently organist and choirmaster of All Saints Rhiwbina, Cardiff and directs ‘Voces Petrensium’, a choir for former singers of Peterhouse.

When not playing or conducting, David can be spotted in the Bass section of the BBC National Chorus of Wales and Llandaff Cathedral Choir. 

Louise and David have performed together in some of the most beautiful venues in the world including several Cathedrals, Boston’s King’s Chapel, and their debut performance in 1996 at Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.

 Chichester Cathedral's Lunchtime Concert series is self-supporting, and thrives through the generosity of its audiences. While there is no charge for admission, we suggest a minimum donation of £3 per person, with Gift Aid applied if possible. Thank you.