The experience of being a Chorister is exciting and fun, and develops valuable skills that will last a lifetime.
Choristers spend about 18 hours each week rehearsing and singing services, as well studying two instruments and following a full school curriculum of academic work, sport and drama. They make recordings, feature on broadcasts, and give concert performances at home and abroad.
Choristers receive an excellent academic education at the Prebendal School, a co-ed, independent prep school immediately adjacent to the Cathedral. Following an inspection, the School has recently received the highest possible grading.
The musical and academic experience we offer is a springboard for future success. Many choristers go on to win scholarships at prestigious secondary schools, where their choral training, discipline and team skills are highly valued.
Scholarships are awarded to all Choristers, and with additional funding according to need. We want to recruit promising young musicians regardless of financial circumstances.
Who is this event for?
This event is suitable for girls and boys in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5, as well as their parent/guardians. We do not expect candidates to have any musical experience when they join the choir. We look for energy, enthusiasm and good reading skills.
The event will take place from 1.30 - 4.30pm. To book your space, or ask further questions, contact Chris George E: