Following the performance, there will be a special announcement about our plans to sustain Chichester Cathedral’s music heritage.
Watch the livestream below
Ways that you can give to help sustain our music heritage:
1) Single gift
2) Set up a regular monthly or annual gift
3) Pledge a gift in your Will
How you can give:
You can make a single donation online via the link above, or print the Giving Form below if you would prefer to send a cheque or Charity Voucher.
If you would like to make a regular donation or would like to discuss your donation please contact Alison George, Director of Fundraising.
Download our Brochure and Giving Form
T: 01243 812480
*Chichester Cathedral Restoration & Development Trust CIO (Charity no. 1156729) is the
corporate trustee for Chichester Cathedral Platinum Endowment Trust for Music, all funds and
income are managed as a separate legal entity.