Cathedral Lent Course: ‘Who than is this?’

The forty days of Lent, which prepare us for Easter and our celebration of the glory of Christ’s death and resurrection, are intended to help us grow in our faith and discipleship as followers of the risen Lord.

Through prayer, fasting, self-denial and almsgiving, we strive to become more attentive to God’s presence in his word, in our worship, and through those in need.

We shall be following the diocesan course, entitled: Who then is this? as it invites us to answer the question that the disciples asked about Jesus when he calmed the storm (Mark 4:41). We will also look back to people and events in the Old Testament to help us answer this question.

As +Martin says, there is no right or wrong way to use this course. You will have used it well if you come to Easter Sunday with a richer sense of the resurrection as God’s plan for how all things, across time, will come to perfection in the glory of heaven.

When: Wednesday 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th March
Time: 11.30am for a 12.00pm start with a simple soup lunch. Finishing at 2.30pm
Location: 4 Canon Lane (Exception: 29th March, Vicars’ Hall)

Course materials

To register your interest please contact:
T: 01243 812 488.