Cathedral Fellowship | The Golden Age of Book Illustration

John Robert Smith presents a nostalgic look at illustrators from the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, including Arthur Rackham and Heath Robinson among others. 

Featuring beloved children's stories such as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Han's Andersen's Fairy Tales, John brings original illustrated editions from his own collection as a feature as he talks the audience through the lives of book illustrators, the value of their books, and why he loves the differing interpretations of iconic children's stories.

John is manager of the Oxfam Bookshop in Chichester.

At the Cathedral Fellowship members of the congregation meet old friends and make new ones. If you are new to the Congregation, it’s an excellent opportunity to meet new people and to begin to feel at home. We meet once a month for a talk or presentation on a wide range of topics, some of which are related to the Cathedral and Christian belief and practice and others are of more general interest. All our presenters are informal and approachable. There are no tickets and no membership, though we ask for a donation to cover expenses. 

We generally meet either in George Bell House, 4 Canon Lane or in Vicars’ Hall (do check the venue) with the talk followed by questions and discussion and the all-important cup of tea. We start at 2.15pm and the gathering lasts about 75 minutes.

Everybody is very welcome. 

For further information contact