CANCELLED: Friends | Trip to Salisbury Cathedral

IMPORTANT: In light of the recent death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, this event will no longer take place on Thursday 15th September.

Event details

Thursday 15 September 2022, 09:00
Salisbury Cathedral

The coach departs from Chichester Cathedral, West St. at 9.00am and will depart from Salisbury at 3.30pm. The cost of the ticket is £33 which includes the cost of travel and the guided tour.
There is a refectory at the Cathedral serving coffee and lunch and many convenient pubs and restaurants near to the Cathedral. The guided tour will start at around 2.00pm.

Salisbury Cathedral is a 13th century Gothic Cathedral and claims to having the tallest church spire in the UK at 404ft, as well as being home to the world's oldest working clock. The Salisbury Magna Carta is the best preserved of the surviving four examples and is on public view in the Chapter House of the Cathedral of St. Mary - the more correct title of Salisbury Cathedral. The foundations of the Cathedral are only 28 inches deep and built on a barely drained swamp. They were not built to withstand the additional 6,500 tonnes supplied by the spire. Slowly but surely the spire moved out of alignment as you can see today by looking up along the purbeck marble columns.

Everyone is welcome at all of our events. You can also bring a friend, so please come and join us!

Image: Salisbury Cathedral