St Clement Chapel will be open throughout BLAW during the day, offering a quiet place of reflection.
Pregnancy Options Centre provides free, non-judgemental help and support to anyone struggling after a termination or pregnancy loss. They are inviting visitors to the Chapel as a safe space to remember and mark their loss experience with pink, blue and neutral coloured ribbons, messages, prayers, and tealights to take home for the wave of light ceremony on 15th October at 7.00pm. There will also be information on other local organisations that support bereaved families around pregnancy and baby loss.
Baby Loss Awareness Week, now in its 20th year, provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the impact of pregnancy and baby loss; the importance that bereavement support plays in the ongoing bereavement journey; and of the vital work that is needed to improve pregnancy outcomes.
This year Baby Loss Awareness Week will be exploring the theme of Stepping Stones and how pregnancy loss can find people on a new path they never expected to be on.
Baby Loss Awareness Week is recognised across the world and culminates with the “Wave of Light” on 15th October. This is a special time when people across the world light a candle at 7.00pm local time and leave it burning as a remembrance.
Visit to find out how you can get or give support.