Jelani, Sanctuary in Chichester
Jelani is from Sanctuary in Chichester. They offer a range of support activities for asylum seekers and refugees, including English tutoring, homework club for kids, the Pathways to Work project, outings, schools outreach and United Nations football club for unaccompanied asylum seeking children in partnership with the University of Chichester.
Also pictured as an onlooker is Mary, a Trustee of Sanctuary of Chichester.
The Very Reverend Stephen Waine, Dean of Chichester
The Dean of Chichester has overall responsibility for co-ordinating and developing the life of the Cathedral, in order to further its mission and ministry. As a member of the Bishop of Chichester's Senior Staff, Bishop's Council and the Diocesan Synod he represents the Cathedral in the Diocese and the county of Sussex. This Advent and Christmas the Cathedral commissioned The Chichester Nativity to celebrate and thank members of the community who have played such a vital part throughout the pandemic.
Dale, Chichester Festival Theatre
Chichester Festival Theatre is one of the UK’s flagship theatres, renowned for the exceptionally high standard of its productions as well as its work with the community and young people. Rooted firmly in its community, the Theatre runs a Learning, Education and Participation (LEAP) programme that is a beacon of excellence and inspiration to its local audience, as well as being home to one of the country’s largest youth theatres with over 750 members. Dale (pictured) is the Theatre’s Director of Learning, Education and Participation.