Kate Mosse | Warrior Queens and Quiet Revolutionaries

Join international No.1 best-selling author, novelist, playwright and non-fiction writer Kate Mosse as she launches her new book Warrior Queens and Quiet Revolutionaries.

Beautifully illustrated and featuring a diverse and global cast, Warrior Queens & Quiet Revolutionaries is both a Dictionary of Women and a love letter to those women who made history. But it is also an intensely moving story of the forgotten life of the author’s great-grandmother, Lily Watson, a famous and highly-successful novelist in her day who has all but disappeared from the record.

Joyous, celebratory and engaging, this is a book for everyone who has ever wondered how history is made.

‘A wonderful treasure chest of women’s lives...an epic, fascinating world of warriors, writers, scientists, queens and more, women who have shaped the world and many who have been overlooked and forgotten.’- Professor Kate Williams

Warrior Queen or quiet revolutionary: Which are you?